FUTU HK Help Center-How to exchange currency using Cash Plus holdings
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How to exchange currency using Cash Plus holdings

You can conduct currency exchange using your Cash Plus (Money Market Funds) holdings by following these steps in the Futubull app, exchanged currency will be settled on T+2:

1. Go to the Accounts tab.

2. Select an account, then tap More > Currency Exchange.

3. Select Fund Account (Cash Plus) as the account where to initiate the currency exchange.  


Availability of exchanged currency

  • The exchanged currency will be available for stock trading after your request for currency exchange is processed and completed.
  • If you wish to withdraw the exchanged currency to your bank account or use it to repay any account deficit, you will need to wait until the request for the currency exchange is settled (i.e. T+2).

Note: For exchange request submitted on weekends or holidays, the request for currency exchange will be processed in the next trading day.