Transaction introduction
Grey Market
Trading Rules
Order Type
What is the time-in-force
Limit order
Market order
At-auction limit order
At-auction market order
Stop limit order
Stop order
Limit if touched order
Market if touched order
Trailing stop limit order
Trailing stop order
What is an attached order
What is Algorithmic Trading for HK Stocks
What is a conditional order
What are order trigger times
OCO order
HK Options
Hong Kong International Airport Retail Bonds
Block trade
An ordinary order, or a limit order for the purpose of Hong Kong stocks, allows you to buy or sell at a specified price.
You can choose whether to allow pre-market auction on the limit order page, which will affect the order submission logic.
A limit order placed from 4:10 PM on day T to 9:00 AM on day T+1 is a preset order, and will be submitted to the exchange as an at-auction limit order during the morning auction period for auction and matching. A limit order placed from 9:00 AM to 9:15 AM will be directly submitted to the exchange as an at-auction limit order for auction and matching. It cannot be changed or cancelled during 9:15 AM to 9:30 AM.
A limit order placed from 9:15 AM to 9:30 AM on Day T is a preset order and will be queued for submission to the exchange after 9:30 AM.
* Other notes: If pre-market auction is allowed, a limit order placed before 9:15 AM on Day T will be submitted as an at-auction limit order. However, the time period during which it can be submitted is inconsistent with that stipulated by the HKEX for at-auction limit orders. If you want to participate in auction according to the latest auction sessions stipulated by the HKEX, please use at-auction market orders or at-auction limit orders directly.
A limit order placed from 4:10 PM on day T to 9:30 AM on day T+1 is a preset order, and will be queued for submission to the exchange after 9:30 AM, and the queue may last for several minutes. If you want the order to be submitted faster, it is recommended to allow pre-market auction, or cancel the order and place a new one after 9:30 AM.
Normal trading hours (9:30 AM - 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM)
(1) An order will not be executed if the stock price has not reached or exceeded the limit price, and any unfilled limit order will be converted into an at-auction limit order after 4:01 PM.
(2) A limit order allows matching of up to 10 price queues at a time (you can buy or sell at a better price).
(3) In general, a limit order shall not be made at a price that deviates 9 times or more from the nominal price. For details, please refer to the trading rules of the HKEX.
(4) In general, the sell price should be within the range of 24 spreads above the best ask price and 9 spreads below the best bid price (a stock's spread depends on its share price).
(5) In general, the buy price should be within the range of 24 spreads below the best bid price and 9 spreads above the best ask price (a stock's spread depends on its share price).
(6) For partially filled limit orders, only unfilled part can be cancelled or changed.
(7) During the process of change or cancellation, the original order is still in effect. There may be cases where the original order cannot be changed or canceled due to the fact that the original order has been fully filled during the process of change.
(8) An order will be filled at the best price in the market (i.e. market price) if the order price is higher than the market price in the case of a buy order, or is lower than the market price in the case if a sell order.
(9) You are not allowed to change any order during the lunch break, and cancellation is also not allowed during the period from 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM.
(10) Limit orders described on this page represent enhanced limit orders defined by the HKEX.
Placing limit orders is a convenient online trading method provided by Futu for clients. Futu works hard to provide stable services, but cannot guarantee their absolute reliability. Futu is not liable for any loss or damage arising from any failure to execute limit orders due to network interruption, server abnormality, and other physical factors.