Fund buying power is the money in your account that is available for fund subscriptions.
When you subscribe to Cash Plus (MMF) or fund portfolios which include Cash Plus (MMF) ,
Available amount = available cash of your paying account
When you subscribe to other types of funds,
Available amount (Buy on Cash) = cash buying power of your margin account
Available amount (Buy on Margin) = maximum buying power of your margin account
If the order amount exceeds the cash purchasing power, the system will ask you whether to use margin or not; if the order amount does not exceed the cash purchasing power, it will only use the cash to purchase.
If the payment method you select is Order on Margin, then on the payment day, if the order amount exceeds the cash purchasing power, the system will automatically use margin to purchase; if the order amount does not exceed the cash purchasing power, it will only use the cash to purchase.
The interest rate for buying funds on margin is the same as those for buying stocks on margin. And the interest will be calculated based on the amount owed on the account after settlement. For more information, please visit here.
The fund of buying funds will be settled on T+2 (T is the corresponding securities trading day).