Q: What is the execution price for buying shares on the day of scheduled investments?
After setting up a US stock Regular Savings Plan, the system will place a market order for fractional shares at around 10:30 AM ET on the scheduled investment date. If the scheduled investment date falls on a non-trading day, the order execution will be postponed to around 10:30 AM ET on the next trading day.
Note: If the remaining balance is not enough to buy one whole share, it will be used to invest in fractional shares.
Q: Why did my RSP buy 0 shares while my funds were sufficient?
The reason may be due to one of the following:
Illiquid market
Other extreme situations such as problems with an upstream service provider that cannot be resolved immediately
Note: These events will not affect your upcoming scheduled investments in your RSP.
Q: Will there be any charges if my RSP fails?
There will be no charge for a failed RSP.
Q: What do I need to be aware of when paying with my universal account?
Please make sure there are sufficient funds in your universal account on the execution date to avoid interest incurred by margin.
The RSP will be automatically cancelled after 3 consecutive failed investments due to insufficient purchasing power. You can set up the plan again and try again with sufficient funds on the execution date.
Q: How do I sell from my RSP?
RSP works just like any other trading account. You can sell your positions by going to:
Trade page > Select an order type > Enter the order information
Q: What will happen to my RSP investment plan if the stock is suspended from trading?
The investment on that day will fail, and you will not be charged for it.
Q: What if I can't find the stock I want to invest in?
RSP with FUTU supports investing in selected US stocks and ETFs. Go to:
Regular Savings Plan > RSP Rankings > View All
If your desired stock is not on the list, please contact us.
Q: Can I adjust or stop my RSP investment plan on the execution date?
You can suspend, cancel, and adjust your RSP before 9:00 AM ET on the execution date. Changes made after 9:00 AM ET will take effect on the next day.
Q: What kind of investors may consider RSP?
RSP makes investing simple for new investors and those looking to free up their time by establishing a plan for long-term investments. The entry threshold for stock RSP is relatively low. You can invest in selected stocks at a lower cost. Value investors can also use RSP to manage risks.
Q: What stock should I hold in my RSP?
RSP with FUTU supports a list of stocks whose performance are relatively stable, and some of them may pay dividends regularly. You can use RSP to invest in quality stocks and get started at a lower threshold with fractional trading.
Q: How do I set up my RSP?
a. Open the app, and go to Accounts > More > RSP.
b. Create an investment plan or pick a stock from RSP Rankings to start.
Q: Which US stock and ETFs can be invested in my RSP?
All the stocks and ETFs that support fractional shares trading can be invested in through your RSP. You can pick your desired underlying from RSP Rankings or the RSP Stocks list.
Q: Can RSP investors enjoy the same rights as normal shareholders?
Yes. RSP investors can enjoy the same rights as other shareholders. However, in relation to fractional shares held by you, your voting rights at shareholders' meetings and your rights to make a choice at other matters requiring shareholders' decisions may not be fractionalized. In these scenarios, if the listed company has offered a default option on matters to be decided, we will choose the default option on your behalf, and if no default option is available, we will asbstain from voting. This may have an adverse effect on your, or we may not be able to make the best choice for you.
Q: Will my RSP lead to difficulties in closing positions due to fractional shares trading?
Fractional shares trading is available on FUTU, which means you can easily buy or sell less than one share of a stock. You can also invest regularly until enough shares are accumulated for whole units, enabling round-lot trading.
Q: Will there be any losses if I cancel my RSP?
There is no charge for cancelling the RSP. No further buy orders will be executed after cancellation.
Q: What will happen to my RSP if the stock is suspended from trading?
The investment on that day will fail. Upcoming scheduled investments in your RSP won't be affected.