Market value = Face Value * Last Price
1. The market value is for reference only when trading structured notes, and the last price is a reference price provided by the issuer based on market conditions.
2. The actual returns depend on factors such as coupon payment, maturity, and knock-out funds.
The nominal value of the note is usually the principal you invested.
We adopt two methods for cost calculation: diluted cost and average cost. Applying different methods will lead to different cost results and rate of return.
Diluted Cost
Diluted Cost = (Total Amount Bought During the Holding Period – Accrued Coupon – Knock-Out Amount – Maturity Amount) / Face Value Held
Average Cost
The average cost reflects the cost of the current position at the time of subscription. It changes as you increase the position afterward. A cash dividend will lower the average cost by deducting the dividend amount from the average cost.
Average Cost = (Face Value Before Current Purchase × Average Cost Before Current Purchase + Amount Paid for Current Purchase) / Post-Purchase Face Value
For structured notes, we only display the return of non-principal-guaranteed products as a reference.
Using diluted cost for calculation:
Return on Position = Position P/L / (Diluted Cost * Face Value Held)
Using average cost for calculation:
Return on Position = Position P/L / (Average Cost * Face Value Held)