The RSP Calculator is a tool that backtests and visualizes the historical return of your regular savings plan. The calculation is based on the historical stock prices and user-defined parameters, such as the investment amount and investment cycle. Please note that the results are for reference only, do not fully equate to actual profit/loss from real orders, and do not represent predictions or guarantees of future returns, nor do they constitute any investment advice. Past performance is not indicative of future performance, and all investments involve risks. Investors should independently evaluate risks and make investment decisions with caution.
The RSP Calculator uses a simple formula to calculate the rate of return based on the closing price of each investment day within the designated calculation range:
RSP Return Rate = Profit or Loss / Principal * 100%
Profit or Loss = RSP Holding Value - Principal
That is, Profit or Loss = (Latest Closing Price * Cumulative RSP Shares) - (RSP Amount * Number of Investments)
• Calculation Range: Based on actual calendar days, calculation range ends on the nearest trading day before the end date of the designated range, and goes back one year for 365 days, two years for 730 (365+365) days, and so on. The RSP calculator supports a maximum backtesting period of five years. The end date will not be included in the RSP plan or the calculation range for RSP returns.
• Latest Closing Price: When calculating RSP holding value, the closing price of the nearest trading day before the end date of the designated calculation range is used to reflect the price level of the assets held at the end of the RSP plan.
• Cumulative RSP Shares: Based on the designated calculation range and investment cycle, the RSP calculator backtests the closing price of each investment day to calculate the RSP shares of each investment and sum up to be the cumulative RSP shares.
• Corporate Actions: If assets undergo stock splits or other corporate actions, the historical backtested returns will be calculated using forward-adjusted prices.
• Other Factors: Historical backtested returns do not include factors such as dividends, commissions, and fees. Investors need to take these factors and risks into consideration when investing.
• Compare historical RSP returns of different over the same time period;
• Comparison of the profit or loss amounts of RSP for the same asset over different time periods.