Return that was distributed on the last trading day.
New gains = position units * (NAV on day T – NAV on day T-1)
Sum of daily return generated by the current position.
Any returns earned from Cash Plus (MMF) during the weekend or public holiday will be credited to your account on the next trading day, provided that you haven't redeemed your funds beforehand.
Suppose Mondays to Fridays are all trading days, and you subscribe to an HKD money market fund with confirmed fund shares before 9:00 AM on Friday.
If you redeem all the shares of the fund before 9:00 AM on the next Monday, the net asset value (NAV) of the fund shares will be based on the NAV as of Friday. You will receive the returns generated on Friday but not the returns from Saturday to Monday.
However, if you redeem all the shares after 9:00 AM on Monday, the net asset value (NAV) of the fund shares will be based on the NAV as of Monday. You will receive the returns generated from last Friday to Monday.
A percentage indicates the income returned to its investors through interest and dividends generated by the position.
The diluted cost may vary from time to time due to changes in your position.
Diluted cost=(cumulative subscription amount - cumulative redemption amount) / position units
If there's a dividend payment, the value of dividends will be counted in the redemption amount, and the cost and position yield will be updated.
E.g. assume subscription and redemption of fund A (USD) are confirmed at the NAV as of day T.
● Day T: A client subscribed 1,000 units when NAV is 10.00 USD;
● Day T+1: The client subscribed another 1,000 units when NAV is 10.10 USD;
● Day T+2: The client redeemed 1,000 units when NAV is 10.20 USD.
Day | Transaction | NAV | Position Units | Calculation | Diluted Cost |
T | +1000 | 10 | 1000 | = (0+10*1000)/1000 | 10.00 |
T+1 | +1000 | 10.1 | 2000 | = (10*1000+10.1*1000)/2000 | 10.05 |
T+2 | -1000 | 10.2 | 1000 | = (10.05*2000-1000*10.2)/1000 | 9.90 |
The number of units you hold in the fund.
Total dollar amount of pending subscriptions
Total units of pending redemptions