Provide the latest information on your liquid assets and the ratio of virtual assets you hold through Crypto Account > Exposure Limit Status > Request to Adjust Limit > Update assessment information.
The system will recalculate your exposure limits based on the updated information.
Please note:
Modifying your risk tolerance will automatically adjust your exposure limits. If your risk tolerance is rated as Conservative or Moderately Conservative, your virtual asset exposure limit will be set to 0.
Any portion of the exposure limit exceeding $1,500,000 requires manual approval, which typically takes three business days. Providing proof of liquid assets can increase the chance of approval.
Limit on updating assessment documentation: a maximum of three times within 24 hours and five times within 30 days.
If you have already applied for a specified limit, you will not be able to adjust the limit by updating the exposure limit assessment information subsequently.
Fill in and submit the new limit through Crypto Account > Exposure Limit Status > Request to Adjust Limit > A specific limit.
To increase the limit, please provide asset proof, virtual asset trading experience, financial-related education, or certificates to demonstrate your capability for high-risk investments. The manual review usually takes three business days.
For requests to increase the limit above $3,000,000, please contact customer service directly on the app.