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Currently Futubull supports 4 types of indicators, including Range, Descriptive, Technical, and Financial indicators.
● Region: supports US, HK, CN, SG, CA, and AU market.
● Sectors: support selecting NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX, OTC, and Industry.
● Market value: the market value of stocks, the monetary unit being the legal tender unit of the selected area
● Price:
1) Price range: customize the input price range, and only the input side does not limit the maximum / minimum value by default
2) New price: support the choice of "52-week high" and "percentage of 52-week high"
52-week high: share price reached a 52-week high on the day
Percentage to 52-week high = (latest price-52-week high) / 52-week peak
3) New low prices: support the choice of "52-week low" and "percentage of 52-week low"I. 52-week low: share price reached a 52-week low on the day
Percentage from 52-week low = (latest price-52-week lowest) / 52-week lowest
4) rise and fall: support for 5 minutes, today, 5, 10, 20, 60 days, 120 days, 250 days, so far at the beginning of the year
5) turnover: turnover of the day, support custom input range
6) turnover: volume of the day, support custom input range
7) P / E ratio: static P / E ratio, supporting custom input range
Coverage period: 60m,1D,1W,1M
Support indicators:MA, EMA, KDJ, RSI, MACD, BOLL
Including: Basic Financial Indicators, Profitability, Liquidity, CS,Efficiency, Growth, Cash, Market Performance and so on.
Index Type | Factor Name | Index Interpretation |
Profitability | ROA(TTM) | An indicator used to measure how much net profit is generated per unit of assets. (This indicator is calculated based on the latest financial reports) |
EBIT(TTM) | EBIT, also known as Earnings Before Interest and Tax, is the profit Before the company deducts Interest and income Tax. It reflects the operating results of the company's main core business. It can make investors evaluate the project without considering the applicable income tax rate and financing cost, so that investors can examine the project in different capital structure. (the index is based on data from recent financial reports.) | |
Operating Margin (TTM) | An index to measure the efficiency of business operations. (This indicator is calculated based on the latest financial reports) | |
Operating Profit(TTM) | The higher the indicator, the better. A measure of a company's actual ability to make money (measured by the latest financial results) | |
Profit to Shareholders (TTM) | It measures the profitability of a business. (the index is based on data from recent financial reports) | |
Net Profit Cash Cover (TTM) | It measures the quality of a company's earnings. (This indicator is calculated based on the latest financial reports) | |
ROIC | Return on investment on total assets | |
EBITDA | EBITDA is the abbreviation of Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization, that is, profit before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization. It reflects the net cash flow of the company without being affected by its capital structure and taxation. | |
EBIT Margin | It is the profit margin before interest and income taxes are paid. The higher the indicator, the stronger the profitability of the company's sales revenue. | |
EBITDA Margin | This indicator is the ratio of profit before interest and tax to depreciation and amortization ( profit before interest and income tax an+ depreciation an+ amortization) to sales revenue. The higher it is, the stronger the profitability of the company's sales revenue. | |
Financial Cost Rate | It reflects the level of financial expenses of the enterprise | |
Liquidity | Current Ratio | It measures the short-term debt repayment ability of a company. The higher the indicator, the better |
Quick Ratio | The ability to use the most liquid assets to pay off its short-term debt. The larger the indicator, the better. | |
CS | Current Asset Ratio | It measures the amount of current assets and the liquidity of the company. |
Current Debt Ratio | It measures the amount of current debt and the company's debt pressure. | |
Equity Multiplier | It indicates the debt level of an enterprise. The greater the equity multiplier, the higher the debt level of an enterprise. | |
Property Ratio | The property right ratio can reflect whether the shareholder's shareholding is too much (or not sufficient), etc., and from another aspect, it shows the degree of corporate loan operation. This ratio is one of the indicators to measure a company's long-term solvency. | |
Cash And Cash Equivalents | It measures the company's cash flow position. | |
Efficiency | Operating Cash Flow (TTM) | It measures the quality of business operations. (the index is based on data from recent financial reports) |
Total Asset Turnover | There were several rounds of business, the more the better. | |
Fixed Asset Turnover | It refers to the ratio of the company's annual net product sales revenue to the average net value of fixed assets. It is an indicator that reflects the turnover of fixed assets of an enterprise and thus measures the efficiency of fixed asset utilization. The higher the ratio, it indicates that the utilization efficiency of fixed assets is high and the effect of using fixed assets is good. | |
Inventory Turnover | It is used to reflect the turnover speed of inventory, that is, the liquidity of inventory and the reasonable amount of inventory funds, to promote enterprises to ensure the continuity of production and operation at the same time, improve the efficiency of the use of funds, enhance the short-term solvency of enterprises. | |
Accounts Receivable | Receivables too large that the company is not able to collect, or the statement has water (water disaster areas). | |
Growth | EBIT YOY | It reflects the year-on-year growth rate of the company's EBIT, the higher the better. |
Operating Profit YOY | It reflects the year-over-year growth rate of the company's earnings before interest and tax, and the higher it is, the better. | |
Total Assets YOY | In the case of higher return on equity (ROE), maintaining a higher growth rate of total assets indicates stronger future development of enterprises. | |
Profit to Shareholders GR | It reflects the annual operating profit growth rate. The higher the indicator, the better. | |
Profit Before Tax YOY | It reflects the annual operating profit growth rate. The higher the indicator, the better. | |
EPS YOY | It measures the ability to increase dividends. | |
ROE YOY | It measures the ability of shareholders to grow returns. | |
ROIC YOY | It measures the ability to grow return on investment. | |
NOCF YOY | It measures the ability to increase the quality of operations. | |
NOCF Per Share YOY | It measuresthe ability to increase cash flow corresponding to shareholder equity. | |
Cash | CFO | It measures the liquidity of income |
OP / EBT | It measures the profit structure of a business | |
Per Share | Basic EPS | It measures the earnings per share of a stock |
Diluted EPS | It measures the earnings per share of a stock | |
NOCF Per Share | It measures the market performance of a company relative to its own equity. |
Index Type | Factor Name | Index Interpretation |
Featured Indicators | Chip Distribution | Chip Distribution is also known as the distribution of the positions costs of tradable shares held by different investors. This data is an estimation. 1. Profit Ratio is the percentage of profitable chips in the overall chips; 2. Interval Overlap Percentage refers to the overlap percentage of the 70% Chip Cost Interval and the 90% Chip Cost Interval. The higher the percentage of overlap, the more concentrated the chip costs are and the higher the stock price volatility is; |
Indicator Interpretation | The analysis of 12 indicators points to an overall trading status of the stock concerned: Hyper-Overbought: A dangerous signal, indicating high short-term risks. Overbought: A warning signal, indicating that the trend is relatively bearish. Neutral: No obvious signal and the trend is uncertain. Oversold: A positive signal, indicating a relatively optimistic trend. Hyper-Oversold: An opportunity signal, indicating a chance for a rebound in the short term. | |
Public Sentiment Index | The Public Sentiment Index is compiled by analysing the opinion (positive, neutral, negative) of each piece of news of the stock concerned. It reflects the overall market sentiment towards the stock. | |
Analyst Rating | Analyst Ratings are professional opinions of stock analysts on the stock concerned, and are classified into five levels: Sell, Underperform, Hold, Outperform and Buy. | |
Valuation | PE (P/E Ratio TTM) = Stock Price / Earnings Per Share (Earnings Per Share = Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company in the last 12 months / Total Number of Shares) PB (P/B Ratio) = Stock Price / Net Asset Per Share (Net Asset Per Share = Shareholders' Equity / Total Number of Shares) PS (P/S Ratio) = Stock price / Revenue Per Share (Revenue Per Share = Total Revenue / Total Number of Shares) Note: Generally, the lower the valuation, the higher the investment value. 1. The PE Model uses the net profit indicator to calculate the company's valuation and is more suitable for companies that are stable and profitable. 2. The PS Model uses the revenue indicator to calculate the company's valuation and is more suitable for high-growth companies that are not currently profitable. 3. The PB Model uses the net asset indicator to calculate the company's valuation and is more suitable for companies with heavy assets and unstable earnings. 4. If none of the above conditions are met, the PS Model is displayed by default. 5. The recommendation of valuation model is calculated by the system based on relevant financial indicators. This content is for reference only and does not constitute any investment advice. |
Index Type | Factor Name | Index Interpretation |
Broker Positions | Position Distribution | Position Concentration Degree is the ratio of top brokers' positions to the total positions of a certain stock on the most recent trading day. |
Change of Brokers | Broker Position Change is the positions change a certain stock's top brokers in the most recent trading day. | |
Number of Brokers | Brokers Number is the number of brokers holding most of the shares of a certain stock on the most recent trading day. | |
Brokers Ranking | Brokers Ranking is the ranking of brokers of a certain stock according to their positions on the most recent trading day. | |
Participant Holding | Broker Position Ratio is the ratio of a broker's shares to the total shares of a certain stock held by brokers on the most recent trading day. | |
Broker Position Ratio | Brokers Shareholding Ratio is the ratio of all brokers' shares to the total issued shares of a certain stock on the most recent trading day. | |
Broker Position Change | Broker Shareholding Change is the change of ratio of all brokers' shares to the total issued shares of a certain stock on the most recent trading day. |
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