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      Client Declarations

      Client hereby declares, by signing in the signature column by himself/herself or click for confirmation on page, to submit account opening application to Futu Securities International (Hong Kong) Limited (“Futu Securities”), represented that the Client makes following declarations:

      • The Client have already fully read, confirmed, agreed, accepted, understood and am/are willing to comply with all terms and conditions of Client Agreement (including its appendices and schedules), and of other rules or guidance issued or supplemented by Futu Securities from time to time (collectively referred to as “Those Terms”), and agrees and accepts to be bound by all Those Terms.
      • In relation to Those Terms mentioned above, the Client has been invited to seek independent legal advice and have also understood and accepted all Those Terms.
      • The Client acknowledges and confirms that Futu Securities has already explained the Risk Disclosure Statements as set out in the “Client Agreement” in a language of the Client’s choice. The Client confirms that the Client has been invited to ask questions in writing and seek independent legal advice, and that the Client fully understood and accepted all the aforesaid Risk Disclosure Statements.
      • The Client declares and confirms that all the information provided in Account Opening Form and other information provided to Futu Securities from time to time are true, complete and correct, and has obtained the documents like Client Agreement and Risk Disclosure Statement by Futu Securities.
      • The Client agrees to sign the required documents by way of electronic signature at the time of making account opening application or at other times, including but not limited to Account Opening Form, Client Agreement, Risk Disclosure Statement and other relevant documents;
      • The Client reiterates that Futu Securities or its agents have been authorized by the Client to contact the Client’s bank, broker and any credit counseling agency for credit evaluation;
      • Pursuant to the Securities and Futures (Client Money) Rules (Chapter 571I of the Laws of Hong Kong), the Securities and Futures (Client Securities) Rules (Chapter 571H of Hong Kong) and the Client Agreement, the Client gives the standing authorities and authorizes Futu Securities to handle the assets in the Client’s account and the charged securities to Futu Securities in accordance with the aforementioned laws and agreements.
      • The Client declares that he or she is the ultimate and sole beneficial owner(s) of the Account(s) and is fully responsible for all instructions for the operation of the said Account(s). The Client confirm the Account(s) is operated by himself or herself unless the appointment of relevant authorized person has been notified by the Client to Futu Securities and has been actually received by Futu Securities