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      Fund Investment Encyclopedia | How to Invest Funds in Hong Kong

      Views 72672024.11.26

      What is a currency fund? How to Buy a Currency Fund in Hong Kong

      What is a Fund?

      A fund is an investment tool that brings together a large number of investors' funds and is managed by a professional fund manager. By asset class, these include currency funds, bond funds, equity funds, etc. They can be divided into dividend funds, cumulative funds, ETFs, trusts, private funds, etc. Some are high risk and some are relatively low risk, and you can diversify your investment risk based on your fund investment objectives and investment strategy.

      Futu Siri Wealth Fund Offerings: Currency Funds (Cash Money), Party Funds Equivalent Fund Products >>

      What is a currency fund

      Money Market Funds (MMFs) typically invest in short-term maturing financial products, such as government bonds, short-term corporate bonds, bank deposits, and bills, and fixed income products, which are relatively low risk and high liquidity, making them suitable for any type of investor, especially conservative ones.

      Characteristics of currency funds

      The portfolio of the currency fund consists mainly of low-risk financial products to protect the capital invested. These financial products usually have a high credit rating and the issuer has a strong ability to repay interest.

      • Low volatility

      The goal of a currency fund is to maintain a stable net worth, usually the net value of each unit remains unchanged or only slightly fluctuated in the net value of the dollar or its equivalent currency. This makes it possible for money funds to be protected and valued at a stable value.

      • Lower risk

      If you want to have money waiting for investment opportunities, want your money to resist inflation and even recover time value, and you can always use your money to invest elsewhere? A currency fund may be one of your investment options.

      • Flexible and convenient

      Currency funds typically have shorter investment periods, usually within a few months or a year, and convenient fund management features such as easy account opening, subscription and redemption, and high liquidity, and flexibility to manage your funds according to your needs.

      • Lower Expected Returns

      Risk and profit are often proportional. Due to the lower investment risk of currency funds, the expected returns will be relatively low.

      Futu Cash

      Futu Daishi Financial Group is guided by 6P principles, based on performance, investment philosophy, investment mix, management team, management company, investment flow, investor focusChoose a quality currency fund, Create Futu Cash Grants.

      With as little as HK$0.01, you can invest in currency funds for an average return of up to 5% *, stable, money-changing returns; and let everyone buy and sell at the same time, invest anytime, withdraw at any time, without worrying about being strapped for cash, so you have ample cash flow at any time Pay for daily life.

      Futu Cash Treasure
      Futu Cash Treasure

      *5% of all USD FX funds reported near one-year average earnings from Futures, data up to 5 July 2024. Historical earnings are for reference only, the past performance of the fund cannot be predicted after the day

      Fund Fees

      Unlike trading stocks on their own, the fund is managed by a professional investment manager and therefore requires payment of management fees. Therefore, before choosing a fund, in addition to considering the return performance of the fund, pay attention to the various costs involved when buying a fund, otherwise you will earn a price etching fee at any time. MOST FUNDS DEDUCT FEES AND EXPENSES FROM THE FUND USING THE “DEDUCTION FROM FUND” METHOD.

      Types of Fund Fees

      Cost List


      Transaction Fee

      Subscription Fee

      Fees paid when purchasing the fund (generally deducted from the investment amount and paid directly to the investment advisors/distributors).
      Actual amounts may vary depending on different types of funds, investment amounts, promotional offers, etc.

      Conversion Fee

      Withdraw the investment amount from one fund and the fee paid when placed in another fund of the same fund company.
      Some fund companies waive this fee if the transfer is made within the same umbrella fund group.

      Redemption Fee

      Fees paid when the fund is sold.
      In Hong Kong, there are few fund companies that collect redemption fees.

      Continuing expenses (deducted from fund assets)

      Management Fee

      Pay the fund manager a fee for providing fund management services.
      Fund managers generally pay part of the management fee to the investment advisors/distributors who sell the product as a follow-up fee.

      Hosting Fees

      Pay the custodian for the provision of hosting services to the custodian.

      Performance Fees

      Fees paid to the fund manager if the fund makes money.
      In Hong Kong, there are few funds charged performance fees.

      Administration Fee

      Expenses related to fund administration and operations.

      In Futu, the fund purchase rate is 0:0 gold, 0 platform fee, non-acceptance and refund fee, purchase fund gate is less than HK$0.01 /USD for all transactions. Click on the below image to learn more>>

      How to buy a currency fund in Hong Kong?

      Japanese fund, Hoi Futu. Buy funds on Futu, use the Fee rate immediately: 0 gold, 0 platform fee, non-acceptance and refund fee, purchase fund gate is lower to HK$0.01 /USD for all transactions. To buy funds in Futu, you first need to have 2 accounts: a securities account and a fund account:

      How do I open a securities account?

      Step 1: Go online to Futu and sign up for a new account.(Register now)

      Step 2: Open a securities account on the basis of a Futu account(Open account now)

      Step 3: Fill in your personal and financial details (includingBank Code and Account Number), and then check in via bank transfer, debit card, or using Apple/Google Pay.(Invest immediately)

      How do I open a fund account?

      • If you need to open a fund account separately, you can:

        Click [Open Account] - [Fund Open] on the APP to open a fund account only.

        Note: Futu has supported the opening of the fund account and the replenishment of the securities account

      • If you need to trade stocks and funds at the same time:

        On the APP, click [Open Account] - [Fast Online Account] - Check the Securities Account and Fund Account at the same time as you select the account to open the corresponding account.

      • After successfully opening an account, you can buy funds:

        Select the fund you want to buy and go to the details page. Select [Payment Account], enter the purchase amount, click [Purchase] at the bottom of the page and confirm your purchase.

      Tips: Regardless of how low-risk the investment product is, it is advisable to read the documentation on the relevant investment product carefully before investing, understand detailed investment rules and risk tips, and seek professional advice if necessary.

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      This content is not and should not be regarded as an invitation, solicitation, invitation or recommendation to buy or sell any investment products or the basis for investment decisions, nor should it be construed as professional advice. Before making any investment decision, investors should fully understand the risks and the relevant legal, tax and accounting perspectives and consequences, and decide based on their personal circumstances whether the investment is suitable for their personal financial situation and investment objectives, and whether they can afford it. Appropriate professional advice should be sought where necessary regarding the risks.

      The information from third parties displayed on the Futu application, website and event pages is for reference only and does not constitute any recommendation.

      The above content does not represent any position of Futu and does not constitute any investment advice related to Futu. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products based on their own circumstances and seek professional investment advice when necessary. Futu tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Futu does not make any guarantee or commitment in this regard.

      "Futubull" is a one-stop financial investment and trading platform. The securities trading service is provided by Futu Securities International (Hong Kong) Limited.


