CES 2025 Highlights | Investment Opportunities from Inweida

Views 23732025.01.08
THE ONE-YEAR US CONSUMER ELECTRONICS EXPO IS ONCE AGAIN THE FOCUS OF THE MARKET, WITH AI GLASSES ESPECIALLY CLOSE TO HOT SPOTS. As AI's standardization and technology begins to mature, AI eyewear is a major trend that will become the focus of investment in AI hardware in 2025. At this time, the news about the technology is likely to become a short-term aftermarket focus, as investors look for opportunities and may look for relevant insights from Futu information to major companies.
AI Eyewear Concept shares 310% in one month
AI Eyewear Concept shares 310% in one month
AI Eyewear Concept Shares Expected to Grow Rapidly
AI Eyewear Concept Shares Expected to Grow Rapidly

$Himax Technologies(HIMX.US)$ $Microvision(MVIS.US)$ $Kopin(KOPN.US)$ $WiMi Hologram Cloud(WIMI.US)$ $Vuzix(VUZI.US)$ $KLA Corp(KLAC.US)$ $Apple(AAPL.US)$ $Meta Platforms(META.US)$ $Alphabet-C(GOOG.US)$ $Snap Inc(SNAP.US)$ $Sony(SONY.US)$ $Vuzix(VUZI.US)$ $Innovative Eyewear(LUCY.US)$ $zSpace(ZSPC.US)$ $Microsoft(MSFT.US)$ $Etsy Inc(ETSY.US)$ $Unity Software(U.US)$ $Roblox(RBLX.US)$ $Autodesk(ADSK.US)$ $The Glimpse(VRAR.US)$ $PTC Inc(PTC.US)$ $Ansys(ANSS.US)$ $Immersion(IMMR.US)$ $Universal Display(OLED.US)$

Today's focus is definitely not leaving $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ CEO Wong Yen-Hon's announcement at CES. Details can be kept in mind”INGWEDA CES TALK “WANG FING” CONTINUES: THE 5090 GRAPHICS CARD DEBUTS WONG JIN-HUN ALSO BRINGS THESE AI SURPRISES...“。

Without further ado, the authors believe that this release is not a big surprise. The acclaimed GeForce RTX 5090, dubbed the fastest graphics card in the world, makes sense considering its price of $1999, and that it is twice as fast as its predecessor RTX 4090.

Here are the highlights of this CES2025 launch event

Blackwell has been fully sold

Despite some obstacles in 2024, the company's CEO said Blackwell chips are finally fully in production. This could remove some of the recent concerns about Blackwell, that the company's cash flow will remain at a very modest level, providing a solid foundation for the company's valuation.

No mention of GB300

In the development of AI PCs, writers have only seen the acclaimed GeForce RTX 5090, and there is no question about its performance and pricing. Considering that the compute power is also top notch, it is worth paying attention to some professional industry reviews in detail. However, another focus on the market, GB300, has not been mentioned. But considering this CES is consumer-electronics focused, it makes sense to re-release the GB300 when the Intel GTC is left behind.

AI Development Layout

CEO Wong Yan Hoon also spent a lot of time explaining their AI layout, and Inweida also played an important role in the fourth-generation innovation of AI development. Different types of AI needs will drive the company's business growth, such as last year's hot generation AI, perceptual AI, agent-based AI, and the recently popular concept of physical AI (i.e. robots). Although the development in this area is only in the preliminary stages, it is also worth noting that it will once again bring the market to a clear understanding that NVDA is not just a hardware company that sells chips at the moment and plays an important role in the layout of software development.

CES2025 Key Conclusions

After this announcement, the market will be confident that the company's shipments will continue to grow steadily, and GB300 can continue to be expected. Indah is also a solid investment option on the AI track. However, the old yellow one was mentioned at CES $Micron Technology(MU.US)$ und $Qualcomm(QCOM.US)$ For the time being, the authors judge whether the entire semiconductor upstream capacity will be difficult to raise and raise prices significantly. Given the weakness of both stocks in 2024, it is likely to be dominated in the short term after the borrowing news, or cautious in the long term or “there is no increase in volatility” in the long term.

Operationally, inventory can continue to be held. However, considering that in the short term, as expectations from CES have led to a significant increase, driving volatility to a higher level, but if interested in buying, you can consider deploying a sell and sell futures for the time being. For example, sell put options at the exercise price on January 31, 2025, earn the option money first and then look for opportunities to deploy.

NIVDIA Technical Analysis

On the daily chart, the share price has already broken through a symmetrical triangle pattern early in the run-up to CES. The support position referenced by the short line is the high of $145 on January 3. As long as it does not fall through this level, the market is still in a position to continue looking good in the short term.

On the chart, the moving average of the moving averages has returned to the “multi-head” pattern. If the MACD signals a bullish signal, the share price is expected to break through historical highs again and a bullish wave is expected.

By the time, IV may be expected to innovate again in terms of options strategy, and you can consider buying subscription options for good position deployment.

Topical foreign language

Today's CES has another focus, $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD.US)$ New products have also been announced, but the authors did not have time to study carefully, and the authors temporarily decided that the current situation was not a good option to choose after. The pursuit of the technology industry is very difficult, and it is recommended that real breakthroughs occur at the technological level before considering chasing. When it comes to investing in stocks, it is also more reasonable to choose stocks that are more technologically strong as an investment object.

  • Author Information

    Chief Analyst of Futu Securities Liang

    (The author is a licensee of the Securities and Exchange Commission and its affiliates do not have any financial interest in the Proposed Share Issuer)

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